Tired of sitting at home and having nothing to do? Has the pandemic gotten to you too? After all, there is a limit to how much coffee we can brew, and how many tutorials for easy abs we can watch.
Gardening is one of the most stress-relieving activities ever. If you are looking forward to a healthier year, this is something you should try. Apart from the joy you will feel from taking care of plants and having them yield results, you will also get to eat healthier vegetables and know where they are from. In this article, we have covered all the important points regarding how to grow capsicums at home.
Nutritional Facts
One of the easiest vegetables to grow is Capsicums, or bell pepper, or shimla mirch. They are small herbs of the Solanaceae family, and they are used in a variety of dishes. Apart from their versatility, they also have numerous health benefits. Some of these are -
- Capsicum has proven to be very beneficial when it comes to your vision. This is because they are high in carotenoids which help you see better.
- Capsicums have vitamin B6 and magnesium, both responsible for helping you soothe your nerves and make you feel less anxious.
- Capsicums are known to boost immunity. Eating them regularly in season will help you stay safe from cold and flu.
- It is an anti-inflammatory agent.
What are the different types of capsicums?
Capsicums come in different colours and all of them have specific benefits.
Since capsicums are a type of pepper, they are good in spicy cuisines. They can be paired with salads, pasta, and in soups. If you want your children to eat healthily, there is nothing better than homemade pasta or pizza. And wouldn’t it be the icing on the cake if the vegetables you used were grown in your own garden?
Guide to Growing Capsicums at Home
Taking care of plants is a task that requires patience. You cannot expect to water them today and wake up tomorrow to a pot full of capsicums. If you are not deliberate and diligent you may end up harming the plant.
It is advised that you use natural fertilizers as much as possible. Use your leftover fruits and vegetable peels to make manure. However, it is also advised that you use certain chemical fertilizers whenever necessary.
You can ask your children to help you grow shimla mirch with you. It can be a binding activity and also make them want to eat these as they grow them on their own.
Before moving on, here are a few things you need to keep in mind about how to grow capsicums-
- Capsicums are slow to develop fruits. You need to invest at least four months from the time you plant your seed to see the results of your hard work.
- The seeds take a couple of weeks to germinate. Water them enough to maintain the moisture. Do not drown them, and be patient.
- Capsicums are sun-loving plants, so you need to dedicate a spot to them where they will gain the maximum amount of solar energy. They require at least 4-5 hours of sunlight
- The ideal time to grow capsicums in North India is in the summers. If you are in the southern region, you can grow them all year round.
- Capsicums require sandy-loamy soils for growth. This kind of soil allows maximum percolation. It’s very important to make healthy soil so seeds get maximum nutrients for germination.
Requirements for growing bell peppers/shimla mirch at home
- You need a pot that allows at least 12-18 inches with of depth
- Keep the distance between two plants at least 10-14 inches so that all of them can grow to their maximum capacity.
- Make sure you are not using fresh seeds as they won’t be able to germinate. The seeds need to be dried a little.
- Make sure you are watering them enough. Being in the sun for a long time will definitely increase their need for water.
Purple Capsicum
One of the new varieties of capsicums that is gaining popularity is the purple Shimla Mirch. These are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, niacin and riboflavin.
Purple bell peppers look like eggplants from a distance. This richly colored pepper plant variety is easy to grow and add color and flavour to your food.
If you are thinking of growing purple bell pepper, here are a few things you should keep in mind.
- Purple bell peppers are summer fruits.
- They require ample sunlight.
- Their maturity period is 70 days.
- They are usually smaller than red and green capsicums.
If you are thinking of how to grow a purple pepper plant at home then the answer is that it’s very easy to grow in your kitchen garden. If you are trying to lose weight or include more healthy food in your diet, you should go for purple bell peppers. They have an earthy taste and are good in salads and pasta.

Taking Care of Your Plant
- In the initial stages, you can leave the plant inside on a window sill where it can receive sunlight. However, when the plant starts sprouting, you can take it outside and set up a designated spot.
- The plant needs humid conditions, so make sure you are able to provide those. Do not leave them in a place where they will dry up even before growing.
- Keep making note of changes. If you see anything suspicious, get to the root of the problem immediately. It is very likely for plants to get attacked by insects and pests of all kinds. Invest in a good pesticide which isn’t too harmful to the plants.
What are the different hybrid capsicum seeds available in the market?
Capsicums have a variety of hybrids available in the market. Some of the most common varieties of capsicums are -
- California Wonder Seeds - the most common type of bell pepper
- F-1 Hybrid Indrani Seeds- a homegrown variety, this is the easiest to grow among all of these
- F-1 Hybrid Discover Seeds
- F-1 Hybrid Crystal Urja Green Seeds
Where To Buy Trustable Shimla Mirch Seeds?
When buying seeds, you have to be careful. There will be no point in growing capsicum seeds that have not been modified in an unhealthy manner.
We, at Urja Seeds aim at providing you with the best varieties and hybrids of shimla mirch seeds.
Why should I choose Urja Seeds?
There are plenty of reasons for that -
- Transparency with our customers
- Affordable prices
- Door-step delivery
- No use of harsh pesticides
Urja Seeds has one aim - to provide you with all the means needed to be healthy and safe in today's world.
You can visit our website and choose the seeds online which you want to grow in your kitchen garden. We provide vegetable seeds, flower seeds, exotic seeds and micro green seeds too. Our seeds are easy to use. If you are not satisfied with our products, we also have a refund policy which is applicable on certain items.
Q1: How long until my plants can develop fruits?
Ans. It can take anywhere from 1-3 months, depending on the hybrid.
Q2: What colour are capsicum seeds?
Ans. They can be anything from a light brown to a dark earthy tone. If the seeds are white, we advise you to avoid them.
Q3: Does capsicum require sun or shade?
Ans. Capsicum plants need sunlight but avoid areas where they will be prone to strong wind.
Q4: Do bell peppers keep producing?
Ans. Bell peppers/Shimla mirch are annual plants, so expect them to give you fruit once every year.