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How to successfully germinate your seeds ?

One of the most rewarding gardening pursuits is growing your plants from seeds. And the most critical stage in the growth of vegetables is germination – the process in which a dormant seed grows into a seedling. Successful seed germination feels rewarding and provides a lot of satisfaction to the gardener.

There are numerous variables such as moisture, warmth, and planting depth that come into play during the successful germination of seed. Even if you buy the best quality seeds like the ones offered by Urja Seeds, you might still face tough luck germinating successfully. Always use right gardening tools for seeds.

While some seeds grow anywhere (we wish they wouldn’t), others require infuriatingly perfect conditions. Given the delicacy of balance that is required to be struck for successful germination, we will tell about the top 3 tips (and a bonus) on how to successfully grow plants from seeds.

Tips to successfully grow plants from seeds

1. Maintain appropriate moisture levels

Keep the soil moist until the seeds sprout. Both excess water and too little water won’t let the seed develop. Hence, the amount of water should be just right for optimum growth. Make sure you prepare best soil for seeds so they get right nutrients.

2. Keep temperature requirements in mind

Different seeds germinate at different temperatures. Try not to expose them to the wrong temperatures.

3. Don’t ignore the planting depth

Some seeds like lettuce germinate better if you plant them shallowly. Others like squash do better if sown deeply. Make sure you plant the seeds at the right depth.

Bonus Tip on how to grow seeds successfully: Germinate seeds on a paper towel.

Put a paper towel in a glass/plastic container, add water until the towel is thoroughly moist (no puddles), and then sprinkle the seeds on the damp towel to have a successful seed starting. Close the lid and check on them regularly. Broccoli, kale, lettuce, cauliflower seeds germinate in as little as 1 day. However, tomatoes, beets, chard, onions, fennel, pepper, eggplant, celery may take up to 3-5 days.

Note: This method is better for home gardening but if you want to plant a whole field, you need to plant the seeds directly in the soil/field.

We hope this will help you in becoming a better ‘plant parent’. At Urja Seeds, we recommend you invest in high-quality seeds for improved germination rates. Happy growing!

About Urja Seeds:

URJA Seeds specializes in selling premium seeds online such as exotic seeds, vegetable seeds, micro green seeds and flower seeds. Urja Seeds provides hassle free online delivery to all its customers. The seeds are of the highest quality and are packed with nutritional benefits and freshness. By employing continuous development and research activities over the years and establishing expertise in this field, Urja Seeds now offers its customers high yielding seeds online easily and that too on time.


Q1: What are the main factors that impact seed germination?

Ans: There are 3 main environmental factors that impact seed germination the most. First is temperature. The temperature must be suitable for germination of the seed and the plant must have access to sufficient sunlight during the daytime. Second is Soil. The soil pH levels must be adequate for germination. It should also have the right mix of moisture, compost and fertilizers that are essential for healthy germination. And last but not the least, sufficient water. 

Q2: When should I start watering my plant?

Ans: Once you observe seed sprouting, watering becomes a must. However even before the germination stage water is essential for the plant. Do not damp the plant with lots of water since the force can affect the plant growth, but ensure that you maintain moist soil levels. Pour water slowly and you can also cover the plant to maintain the moistness for longer duration.

Q3: What is the most suitable temperature for seed germination?

Ans: Temperature ranging for 25 to 30 degree Celsius is adequate for seed germination of most plants. The plant requires sufficient light and water to germinate. The time period from march to end may is the perfect time for you to start your sowing process to have adequate germination results. However, for every plant and seed the temperature requirements vary depending on the type. So make sure you keep that in mind and do the relevant research. You can ask the experts at Urja Seeds to learn more about the right temperature for your seeds.

Also Read

How to take care of Seedlings ?



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