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Growing Microgreens at home.

Microgreens are edible herbs and vegetables that are easy to grow. These. Growing Microgreens at home does not require much equipment and time. These can be grown both indoors and outdoors. You can have your own indoor microgreen garden such as a microgreen Kitchen garden.

Microgreens have high nutrient levels, boost health, and reduce the risks of certain diseases. This blog contains instructions for growing microgreens seeds at home and the names of plants that you can grow as microgreens. 

Essentials for growing microgreens at home

  • Good-quality seeds (Visit URJA Seeds)
  • A container filled with potting mix or homemade compost. You can also use a mat specifically designed for growing microgreens.
  • Proper lighting.

    Learn about the best way to grow microgreens at home  - A step-by-step guide to growing microgreens at home

    1. Fill your container with the potting mix and water it lightly. Do not over-compress the mix. Make best soil mix for the little seeds.
    2. Gently sprinkle the microgreen seeds on the soil/mix.
    3. Spray water on the seeds lightly, and cover the container with a plastic lid. Use right gardening tools during this whole process.
    4. Check on your container daily, and spray water to keep the seeds moist.
    5. After the seeds germinate, remove the plastic lid to expose the micro confetti to light.
    6. Water once a day while the microgreens grow and gain colour.
    7. After 7-10 days, your plants will be ready to harvest.

    What can you grow as a microgreen?

    Best microgreens to grow at home include : Amaranth, Broccoli, Coriander, Kale, Arugula, Cabbage, Cress, Onion, Basil, Carrot, Dill, Radish, Beetroot, Celery, Fenugreek, Sunflower and many more.

    About Urja Seeds

    URJA Seeds offers you high-quality microgreen seeds for your garden/kitchen. We also specialize in selling premium seeds online such as exotic seeds, vegetable seeds and flower seeds. Urja Seeds provides hassle free online delivery to all its customers. The seeds are of the highest quality and are packed with nutritional benefits and freshness. By employing continuous development and research activities over the years and establishing expertise in this field, Urja Seeds now offers its customers high yielding seeds online easily and that too on time.

    The bottom line

    If there were an award for the easiest herb and veggie to grow at home, it would definitely go to the MICROGREENS! It is completely a hassle free and uncomplicated process to build your own microgreen indoor garden. These edible veggies are packed with nutrients and can be grown year-round. Try tossing them into your salad, smoothie, or sandwich for a fresh crunch of flavour. You can also use them for garnishing to dazzle your guests. So what are you waiting for? Grab your home microgreens growing kit and DIY microgreens at home !


    Q1: What are the perfect conditions for the microgreens to grow appropriately?

    In the beginning, your microgreens grow the best in dark places. However, after some time it is essential that they get adequate sunlight for at least 6 hours a day for them to grow efficiently. You can grow the microgreens indoors but ensure they have access to light. The plant grows best during high temperatures such as 21 degree Celsius. 

    Q2: Can the microgreens grow back after cutting?

    In most cases, the microgreens won’t grow back after you cut them. The energy in the microgreen seeds lasts only until the first harvest. However, there are a few exceptions. Peas microgreens have chances for growing back but there is no guarantee how strong and healthy their growth would be. If you try re-growing the microgreens there is a high chance of risk of contamination.

    Q3: When is the right time to start harvesting the microgreens?

    The right time for microgreen’s harvest is generally 2 to 3 weeks from the planting period. So the crop grows quickly and is thus the favourite of home planters. You can start picking when you see the first set of leaves. Harvest the microgreens from above the soil line. Make sure you use them as they are fresh to enjoy the best flavours and optimum nourishment value.

    Also Read

    How to successfully germinate your seeds?



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