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How to protect home garden in winters

Gardens are like a little baby to our home. Just like a baby, we take utmost care of it every day. Every plant in the garden has its own reaction to changes in weather. It's very important to take care of the seeds as well. Winter can feel like a freezing time in the garden. During winters the activity of the garden is very slow. Vegetables are moving towards the end of their lifespan. Some of the microgreen problems can also upset you but don't worry, as said, every problem has a solution.

Plants may start losing their color or their leaves due to less intake of sunlight. Sunlight is a very essential ingredient for every plant in the garden since it supports and contributes to their growth.There are special flower seeds that can be grown in winters only so one should not grow such flowers in summers as this will not result in good yield.Once your seeds are grown, how do you take care of your garden in winter? 

Read the below tips that can help you protect your garden and minimize the damage. 

1. Clean up 

Many plants in your garden might be diseased, infected with pests and funguses. If you have noticed any of them with these signs, immediately remove them from your garden. Instead of throwing them away, you can bury them. Some diseased plants can live in soil for years hence can be a good method of disposal. However, it is vital to identify the type and cause of the disease. If the disease can be treated then go for the treatment otherwise dispose of them. 

2. Add soil amendments 

Usually, people carry out this activity in spring, however, fall is a great time to add amendments like compost and fertilizer such as phosphate. Adding nutrients in winters means that plants would have time to enrich the soil, prepare for spring and get ready for biological activities. After adding amendments, mulch your soil to avert winter rains from washing the amendments below the roots of the plants. You can remove the mulch at the beginning of spring month before you begin new planting. 

3. Prune perennials with care

Choose the right perennials and cut them carefully. Focus on flowers like roses, herbs like sage and rosemary, and vegetables like rhubarb. All these including blueberries benefit a lot from a clean-up during fall. You can control the plant's strong spread by removing crossing canes or spent. Stalks and leaves also nourish winter security for a plant’s tender peaks.

4. Winter watering

During cold weather, especially windy days, plants lose a lot of water. In order to keep the soil moist plants require enough supply of water. Dormant plants also benefit from winter watering. Soil moisture is important to supply nutrients to plants during winter days. If the soil is dry it can cause more damage to the roots during winter. Hence, water irrigation especially during harsh winter freezes in December. 

5. Protect water features

It is important to protect the small water features during winter. Safeguarding the pump from freezing is one of them. Remove the pump and store it inside in case of heavy freezing. If you have ceramic-made things move them indoors too. Ceramic tends to crack during winter.  Always good to take advice while dealing with such features to avoid any problem.

6. Analyze and assess the growth of plants in your garden

The winter season usually gives you time off from busy activities that you have to implement during other seasons. Therefore, it’s time to analyze your plants. Find out the underperforming and slow-growing plants and ways to overcome these problems. If you find plants that are performing satisfactorily, think about expanding your harvest by adding mixtures that can provide better benefits. Record the problems identified and the solutions implemented for them and compare them with the results of the last year. 

7. Upgrade your gardening tools

It may happen that sometimes you might forget to clean up your tools during the winter season. But keeping them clean and tidy is a must. Give them attention by washing the tools to remove any dirt. In case of presence of rust, remove it with a wire brush. Sharpen the shovels. There are some basic tools that every indoor gardener must have. Using oil,  rub the surfaces of tools, restricting the oxygen from interacting with tools, extending their lifespan. 

8. Prepare the trees and shrubs for winter

Cover your small trees or shrubs with the help of wooden furniture so as to save them from snow or harsh wind. Circling the trees with a cylinder of chicken wire fencing and filling the space between both with a straw can also be another method for protection. For small fruit trees, cover the lower trunk with a pestproof tree wrap. This will prevent the mice from damaging their roots.

Winter may be the cosy and lazy time of the year but your plants are the life of your garden. Do not let anything stop you from taking care of them. Following the above tips by Urja Seeds will help you nourish and safeguard your plants during the cold freezing winter days. 

About Urja Seeds

Part of the Urja Agriculture, Urja seeds specialise in top quality and premium vegetable seeds, microgreen seeds, exotic seeds and flower seeds. It is a one stop destination for any type of seeds online that you require. So start your own home garden now and live with the beautiful plants.


Q1: Do leaves protect plants in winter?

Ans: Yes, leaves make a great winter mulch so dont cut them off from plants during winter. They cover the soil, hence providing a layer of decaying plant matter which supplies plants with nutrients as it decays. 

Q2: Should I cover my garden in winter?

Ans: You can cover your garden beds with the help of cardboard or old carpet during winter until spring. This will kill existing weeds. 

Q3: Is it safe to cover the garden with plastic in winters?

Ans: Plastic covers are used by gardeners to provide warmth to their plants. They cover their garden with black plastic sheets during winter days, this will break down the compost more quickly. 

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What are Root Vegetables and Tips to grow them

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