Tomato Seeds F-1 Hybrid US-99 (Indeterminate)
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Rs. 75.00
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Rs. 199.00
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The scientific name of Tomato is Solanum lycopersicum and it belongs to Family Solanaceae. It originated from Peru or South America. Tomato can be consumed in various ways- cooked, raw, in form of salad or sauce. The edible part of Tomato is berry. Tomato is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which helps in flushing out the harmful free radicals from the system. It is loaded with a substance called lycopene which helps to protect them from the UV rays of the sun.
The F1 hybrid variety of tomato US 99 (Intermediate) is a tall variety of Tomato with dark green foliage cover. It can be harvested after 120-139 days after sowing. It is resistant to diseases like Fusarium and Verticillum. It is having an average weight of 75- 85gms and has an approximate seed count of 100.
F1 Hybrid tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, Potassium, Folate and Vitamin K. They are also recommended to patients dealing with heart issues like high blood pressure and also cancer. Tomatoes can be included in almost all your daily dishes and cuisines. They adapt themselves perfectly to every flavour. Thus, It is best to have your own Tomato plant so that you can use them whenever you need.
Many gardeners find it extremely interesting to store and grow US Tomato seeds. Plants growing from tomato hybrid seeds bear excellent and tasty results. While planting your F1 Hybrid tomato seeds make sure that the seeds are planted at the right time, seeds are sown at the right depth using right gardening tools, plenty of light is available for the seeds and there is adequate air circulation. Planting these F1 hybrid tomato seeds will provide you with an opportunity to explore various tomato hybrid varieties too. Make sure you keep your tomato plants safe from pests that can destroy your tomato plants.
Variety Details
- Indeterminate tall variety with dark green foliage cover
- Medium to large fruits – uniform shoulder with high round shape (deep red in color)
- Fruit bearing in bunches
- Ready in 120 to 130 days
- Resistant to Fusarium and verticillium
- Average weight: 75 to 85gms
- Approx. seed count - 50