Pumpkin Seeds F-1 Hybrid US-101 (Large)
Regular price
Rs. 75.00
Sale price
Rs. 199.00
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The Hybrid Pumpkin has a wide range of health benefits including its richness in Vitamin A , Vitamin B2, Iron and Beta- carotene. It has a high water concentration, almost 94 % which makes it a low calorie Food item that can be a great source of energy. The Antioxidants such as beta-cryptoxanthin present in the F1 Hybrid Pumpkin will protect you from chronic diseases such as heart problems and cancer and also help to boost your immunity. The Hybrid pumpkin is also known for improving eyesight and facilitating weight loss control.
Along with the nutritional advantages of the F1 Hybrid Pumpkin, it is extremely versatile, tasty and delicious and can be included in a wide variety of food recipes. Custards, pancakes and pies are almost incomplete without the hybrid Pumpkin varieties. But you can also add pumpkin to the normal Pasta, vegetable or soup dishes.
The pumpkin hybrid seeds are themselves edible and packed with nutritional benefits. But you can even grow them in your garden to experience fresh, tasteful Hybrid Pumpkin varieties. You need to find a sunny location in your garden. Make sure the soil is best and has with organic compost, fertilizers and some well rotted manure
Keep the f1 hybrid pumpkin seeds in warm water for a day in order to speed up the germination process. While sowing the seeds, make sure you plant them by leaving some place between each other for the vines to grow comfortably. Most of the hybrid pumpkin varieties can be harvested after 3 months of planting them but check for the state of the fruit to decide the perfect harvest time.
It is a warm season crop and requires dry weather with abundant sunshine. The soil should be well drained, loamy and rich in organic matter to get good yield
Variety Details
- Ovate shape with freckled green skin
- Orange flesh when ripe
- Ready in 80 to 90 days
- Average weight: 10 to 12kg
- Approx seeds count - 20
Sub Category - Pumpkin Seeds
Category - Vegetable Seeds