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How to grow Cabbage in your Homes?

Cabbage is a vegetable that is essential for a healthy body. We at Urja Seeds  have vowed to convince you about the importance of cabbage in our diet. Cabbage is grown during the winter season as a Rabi crop (sept-oct) but in Nasik (Maharashtra), it is grown as a Kharif crop. It comes in green, white, purple and red colours. It is grown throughout the year to meet its high demand. India is the second-largest producer of cabbage after China.     

Let us share with you some benefits of growing cabbage that will make you rethink cabbage

1. Anti-inflammatory: 

Cabbage has glutamine in it which has strong anti-inflammatory properties in it. You can have it for your allergies and arthritis.  

2. Eye Health: 

It has beta-carotene, which prevents cataracts and other age-related health issues. 

3. Stronger bones and teeth: 

This vegetable is rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which in turn keeps the dentist and osteoporosis at bay. 

4. Better concentration and memory: 

Cabbage is rich in vitamin K and anthocyanin which are greater for better concentration. It also protects us from multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.  

5. Better skin and hair: 

Cabbage is quite rich in vitamin E and Sulphur which are known to delay signs of aging and heal skin rashes and infection. 

6. Immune system booster and cancer fighter: 

Cabbage is rich in compounds that boost immunity and fight cancer.  

7. Digestion: 

For those with pain, ulcers, and constipation, cabbage is a good option. 

Cabbage Varieties in India 

1. Copenhagen Market:

The roundhead fruit of this variety weighs 2.5-3 kilos and is ready for harvest within 75-80 days of transplantation.  

2. Pride of India:

It is a high-yielding variety and the cabbage weighs around 1.5-2 kilos and is harvested within 75-85 days of transplantation.  

3. Golden Acre:

The cabbage weighs 1 -1.5 kilos and is harvested within 60-65 days of transplantation. We provide the best quality golden acre seeds.  

4. Pusa Synthetic:

This variety takes 130 days to mature. 

5. Quisor:

It weighs around 2.5-3 kilos and is ready to harvest within 75-85 days of transplantation.   

6. Summer Queen:

The cabbage weighs around 1-1.5 kilos and is ideal to grow in hot and humid climates.  

7. Pusa Drumhead:

It weighs around 3-5 kilos, per head and eventually requires a long time to mature, during the wintertime.  

8. September Early:

It weighs around 3-5 kilos and that’s why it can take 105-115 days to mature.  

9. F1 Hybrid Manasi:

It is a hybrid variety. It weighs around 600 grams-1.5 kilos and is harvested within 60-65 days.  

10. Pusa Mukta:

It weighs around 1.5-2 kilos and is highly susceptible to black rot.  

We have lots of varieties available like cabbage F-1 Superball seeds, F-1 Hybrid Urja Bharat, F-1 Hybrid Stella cabbage seeds and many more. 

All About Cabbage Farming

It is grown on sandy loam to the clayey type of soil. Make sure you prepare the best soil mix for these little seeds so they get enough nutrients to grow. Organic manure should be spread in the field. The land is prepared by ploughing it 3 to 4 times. Space the seedlings 45 cm away in double rows of 45-60 cm distance on each bed of 90-100 cm wide. Cabbage plant spacing should be Early maturity - Row to Row: 45 cm, Plant to Plant: 30 cm.  Late maturity: Row to Row: 60cm, Plant to Plant: 45 cm. Use the right gardening tools for planting seeds and for other requirements. 

When it comes to watering the cabbage plant, it requires constant moisture. Install a drip system with main and sub-main place the inline laterals at the interval of 1.5. The interval between two irrigation sessions has a lot to do with soil, climate, and plant growth. In the winter season irrigation within 8-10 days is crucial. The crop cannot tolerate drought. Drainage has to be carried out when it’s raining.   

When it comes to manure and fertilizer requirements of the crop, it would be better to use urea instead of ammonium sulphate, especially where the soil is acidic in nature. Cabbage as a crop is a ‘heavy eater’.  Give your crop the organic fertilizer, at least once a week. For basal fertilizer, manure should be applied in the two rows before the chemical fertilizer is applied. Boron and Molybdenum should be sprayed at the button stage. Fertilizer application has a lot to do with the fertility of the soil.   

Cabbage is harvested when the heads are full and firm, but sometimes when the demand is high, it is harvested earlier to meet the demand. So be careful during the harvesting process and take care of plants. Grading is done before the heads are sent to the market.   

If you wish to grow vegetables in your home, cabbage should be your first pick, it’s that easy to grow.  

Guide to grow Cabbage at home 

1.The flowering season of cabbage is 4 to 5 months after its plantation. The soil has to be moist though well-drained.  

2. Cabbage, as a crop, does not require that much planning. To prepare the soil for growing, mix it with compost as per the ratio of 2:3.  

3. Sprinkle the seeds gently and cover them up with a thin layer of soil. If the seeds are from Urja Seeds, even better because we provide best quality seeds at affordable prices. We provide exotic seeds, flower seeds, vegetable seeds and micro-green seeds.  

4. Cabbage does not take the shade well, even partial shade so if you’re thinking about growing it indoors, make sure it gets sunlight for 6 to 8 hours regularly. The temperature of the soil should be 20 degrees Celsius to ensure proper germination. 

5. After 4 to 6 weeks of time, get ready for transplantation. You have to make sure that the seedlings have reached a height of 3 to 4 inches with at least 3 to 4 leaves before transplantation. 

6. Transplanting is an easy process. Pull out the seedlings and put them in another bed gently. 

7. When it comes to harvesting, if the heads feel firm while squeezing, you can harvest them.  You have to use a sharp knife for taking out the heads so that the roots do not get damaged in the process. Cut as much as you would need for immediate consumption. If you are harvesting in advance, you store it for 2 to 3 days at room temperature, easily. But if you choose to refrigerate it, it can stay fresh for 2 to 3 weeks.   

About Urja Seeds

Growing cabbage at home is a cakewalk, especially when you have ‘the green warriors’, Urja, at your service for high yield seedlings which include vegetable seeds, flower seeds, micro green seeds and exotic seeds too. One can start with the kitchen garden easily at home now with these high quality agricultural seeds online provided by Urja Seeds. 


Q1.  What should be the ratio of compost for growing cabbage? 

Ans. 2: 3 is the appropriate ratio for growing cabbage. 

2. How do you know that it is time to harvest the plant? 

Ans. When the heads feel firm while squeezing, it’s time to harvest.  

Happy sowing, growing and eating.   

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