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Flowers to grow in your kitchen garden.

Growing flowers in your kitchen garden in India can add beauty, attract pollinators, and even have practical uses such as in cooking or for natural remedies. Here are some great flower options to consider:

  1. Marigold : Marigolds are vibrant and pest-repelling. They come in various colours and are often used in Indian households for festive decorations.

  2. Calendula : Calendula flowers are not only pretty but also edible. They are used in salads and teas and have medicinal properties.

  3. Jasmine: Known for its enchanting fragrance, jasmine is a beloved flower in India. It can be grown in pots and used to make garlands.

  4. Hibiscus: Hibiscus flowers are not only beautiful but also used to make teas and herbal infusions. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.

  5. Pansies: Pansies come in various colours and are edible. They can be used to garnish dishes and add a touch of colour to your culinary creations.

  6. Basil: While not a traditional ornamental flower, basil's blossoms are edible and can be used in cooking. Plus, basil is a fragrant herb that can enhance your garden's aroma.

  7. Lavender: Lavender's soothing aroma and purple flowers make it a favourite. It can be used in teas, cooking, and even for its' calming scent.

  8. Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum flowers come in various colours and are used in teas and traditional medicine.

  9. African Marigold : These marigolds are known for their large, colourful blooms. They can add a touch of grandeur to your garden.

  10. Nasturtium: Nasturtium flowers are not only visually appealing but also have a peppery taste. They can be used in salads and as a garnish.

  11. Zinnia: Zinnias come in a wide array of colours and are easy to grow. They can add a splash of colour to your garden.

  12. Lily: Certain lily varieties like day lilies or Asiatic lilies can be grown in kitchen gardens. They offer stunning blooms.

Remember to consider your region's climate and growing conditions when selecting flowers for your kitchen garden. With the right care and attention, these flowers can flourish and bring joy to your outdoor space

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