Chilli Seeds F-1 Hybrid US-327
Regular price
Rs. 75.00
Sale price
Rs. 199.00
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As we all know, the US Chilli seeds add the perfect flavour and spice to our favourite dishes. However they even have a lot of health and well being benefits and thus must be included in your daily diet. The US 327 Chilli seeds are rich in Antioxidants as well as Vitamin C which help fight chronic diseases like Cancers and stomach ulcers. They are also popular for boosting immunity because of the presence of Beta Carotene and Vitamin A.
You can consume Chillies in different forms like dried, raw or even sautéed. The US agri seeds chillies are the best addition to sautéed vegetables and salad dressings. You can also use the 327 Chilli seeds to produce tasty pickles and chutneys. There are numerous dishes and recipes that can use these chillies to enhance the taste, flavour and spice element.
You can grow chillies easily in your home gardens. Make sure you choose the right pots to plant the seeds once they have germinated completely. These pots must have a proper draining system in the form of holes to get rid of any excess water. Ensure that the soil in which US mirchi seeds are sown must be of rich quality and nutrients to get the best desired results. You can add manure and fertilizers to enhance the plant and protect chillies from pests and soil borne diseases.
Chillies require sunlight to be able to grow to their best capacity. Thus, choose a planting spot with direct access to the sunlight. Water the seeds regularly to keep the soil moist and take adequate care of your plant!
Chilli performs well under humid climate. It is photo-insensitive and day length neither affects flowering nor fruit setting. A frost free period of about 130-150 days with temperature range of 15-35°C is optimum for chilli production. Generally chilli will not set fruit when night temperature is above 30°C. Temperature beyond 40°C result in poor fruit set and increased fruit drop
Variety Details
- Medium tall umbrella type plants
- Fruits are very shiny and light green in color (very pungent)
- Suitable for fresh market as well as drying
- Ready in about 55 to 60 days after planting
- Average height – 11 to 12cms
- Approx. Seed count -40
Sub Category - Chilli Seeds
Category - Vegetable Seeds