Cauliflower Seeds Amex
Regular price
Rs. 75.00
Sale price
Rs. 199.00
Unit price per
Grows well on wide range of soils from sandy loam to clay. The optimum pH is between 6.0 and 7.0. Cauliflower is a thermo-sensitive crop and temperature plays an important role influencing vegetative, curding and reproduction phases of plant. The optimum temperature of growth for young seedlings is around 23°C which at later growing stage drops to 17-20°C. The tropical cultivars grow even at 35°C, however, temperate cultivars grow well between 15°C to 20°C
Variety Detail
- Vigorous upright and self blanching
- Curd shape and high dome white color
- Ready in 70 to 75 days after transplanting large frame