Brussel Sprout Kitchen Garden Packaging
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Rs. 149.00
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Rs. 400.00
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Brussel Sprout plants are part of the cabbage family, and are very hardy plants and will survive through the winter. Exposure to cold weather helps them become full of taste.
When should you plant Brussels Sprouts seed?
- The sprout seeds need to be sown into a seedbed frame at the depth of 13mm during March or early April
- When the plants are large enough to handle they can be transplanted
- Brussels seed germination takes place within 7-12 days
Brussels are a slow crop to mature but your patience will be rewarded, they taste all the better. The time to harvest is when a small tight ball has developed on the plant stem. Support the plant with canes if necessary. It’s important to note that you should never grow on the same ground the following year, so move the on to soil that did not contain Brassicas last year.
The leaves of Bussel Sprouts are tightly bound into a spherically shaped head and can be consumed cooked or raw. The taste of Brussel Sprouts is slightly nutty and earthy in flavor and is also a great source of proteins and vitamins.
Approx Seed Count-30