Muskmelon Seeds F-1 Hybrid US-111
Regular price
Rs. 75.00
Sale price
Rs. 199.00
Unit price per
Muskmelon plants flourish well under warm climate and cannot tolerate frost. The optimum temperature for germination of the seed is 27-30°C. Dry weather with clear sunshine during ripening ensures a high sugar content, better flavor and a high percentage of marketable fruits. High humidity increases the incidence of diseases, particularly those affecting foliage. Cool nights and warm days are ideal for accumulation of sugars in the fruits
Variety Details
- Popular creamish netted colour variety
- Flesh is orange in color; tolerant to BRIX13
- Ready in 60 to 65 days
- Average weight 1.2 to 1.5kg
- Approx. seed count - 25